Monday 25 March 2013

M&T Game at the club

Played another game of Muskets and Tomahawks yesterday and loved it once more.

The two forces were 460 points each and we went for a simple engagement as we are still getting used to the rules. The table had the village in the centre with the idea that the French were attacking it and the British looking to save it.

The Rangers with the help of the Forward Boys card were able to take the village pretty quickly and start to hold off the advancing French. All they had to do was hold out for the Provincials to come and support them but with some lucky dice they started to rule the table pretty quickly. Some deadly shooting meant they kept pushing the French and Indians back and were getting very little causalities in return. 

The four Ranger Units ended up killing more than half of the French/Indians and only had 6 dead on their side. All this before the slow moving provincials made it to the village. When the Provincials finally got to the village the battle was over and they never even fired a shot in anger.

Overall another good game. I just need to look at more terrain option and also get loads more trees.

French/Indians Number
French CDdlM Officer 1
Companies Franches de la Marines 8
Companies Franches de la Marines 8
Candian Milice 8
Indian Chief 1
Indian War Party 6
Indian War Party 6
Indian War Party 6

British Number
Ranger Officer 1
Rangers 6
Rangers 6
Rangers 6
Rangers 6
Provincial Officer 1
Virginia Provincials 8
Pennsylvannia Provincials 8

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